SDGs in action -
a generations view

Designed as an atlas, the maps, statements, and biographies of contributors illustrate the range of perspectives on the SDGs and their motivations for establishing a sustainable world.

ICA Petchenik Competition 2019 - SDGgenAtlas

Confrontations Observations

Increasing amount of data

The amount of available FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reuseable) data and providers constantly increases. 

Digital methods and -procedures

A modern processing and integration of different information sources includes data science and even machine learning and AI. 

Data spaces and their qualities

Data qualities depend on their lineage and use cases and request intensive data wrangling. 

Variety of use cases within data spaces

Use cases influence structures, schemas, granularities and semantics. 

At least one main task of the cartographer is to bring user stories into a map. 

ICA Petchenik Competition 2019 - SDGgenAtlas

Contradictions Focus

Industrial Procedure vs. Individual Expression

Industrial approaches for map production could on one hand enhance actuality of maps, but on the other lacks individual expression.

Expert Compilation vs. Crowd-driven Production

The map or map-like representations are the core tool of expression in order to bring spatial stories alive.

"Hard" Education vs. Soft Guided User Participation

The participants of the book atlas project are selected in various groups: very small children in the kindergarten, primary and secondary school, students and experts at the climax of their career.
An introduction to the SDG topic is done by the educational staff in the kindergarten and school. The selection of a SDG topic is done by participants on their own, depending on their affectedness. 


The atlas “SDGs in action - a generations' view” is designed as bilingual book atlas. From our perspective the views on SDGs coming from various generations and expressed as maps are a valuable documentation how we experience and deal with today´s environmental situation. 

Requirements Framework

Individual story and impact

The stories of the participants need to be reflected in the text, illustrations and cartography. 

Open Source for the whole production

An exclusive use of Open Source software allows to proof its fitness for map production. 

Map production guidance

The thematic expression of maps shall be supported with "soft guidance" in the kindergarten, primary school, university and expert life.  

Non discriminatory world map projection

The causal intention of the inventor, the focus on geo-communication and the SDG topics make the Peirce projection appear suitable for the non discriminatory global views of this atlas.

ICA Petchenik Competition 2019 - SDGgenAtlas

A Map Production Perspective Relevance for cartographers

From the perspective of modern map production the aspects of FAIR and consistent data sources, feasible processing, usable licensing schemes, standardized formats and interfaces, clear responsibilities and new distribution perspectives for data and information are of a core interest. 

Available and re-usable data sources

Available and re-usable data sources offer clear responsibilities (stewardship model, ethics, trust) and acceptable licensing mechanisms

Feasible Processing of data and information

Traditional processing methods need to be adopted, expanded, modified, renewed with the growing complexity and variety of information sources.

Selected Examples

SDG - Data Sources Quality

ICA Petchenik Competition 2019-97 - SDGgenAtlas

Resume Lessons learned

Increasing variety of usable data sources

many SDG indicators (231 unique indicators) may fail for maps
take action and support your national stakeholders to implement UN-IGIF and UN-GSGF

A common foundational information space may support data integration, semantics and needed roles

The user-guided map production has led to impressive results

The first edition of "SDGs in action - a generations view" defines a fundament for an ongoing initiative

Book Image: SDGs in action


Title: SDGs IN ACTION Sichtweisen von Generationen a generations' view
Author: Markus Jobst
Number of chapters: 28
Number of pages: 172
Number of images: 77
Dimensions of the sheet (in millimeters): 300 x 300
Print ISBN-13: 978-3-9502039-7-4
E-book ISBN-13: 978-3-9502039-8-1
Published by: Jobstmedia Präsentation Verlag
Date published: 4.12.2021
Language(s) of the text: German and Englisch

Dein eBuch ist verfügbar unter:
Your ebook is available at: 
DOI (ebook): 10.5281/zenodo.5602021

Limited print edition of 200 pieces: EUR 59,-
For a print copy, please send us an email.

SDGs in action - a generations' view: Timeline

Barbara Petchenik Contest

Kids in the very early childhood (~ 4 to 6 years old) were sensitized to a topic through gentle pedagogical introductions and were motivated for “expression through drawing” with simple graphic techniques.
Kindergarten results were also expressed in simple graphics and some of them participated at the Barbara Petchenik competition. 

Student Maps

The samples in the “Students in Action” section originate from master students in cartography studies at the Vienna University of Technology. 
Lecturers provided a general introduction to the SDGs.
In general, no modification on their content has been done by the lecturers or editors.

Expert Interviews

For this group of experts, the form of an interview was standardized by means of a questionnaire.
Some interviews were conducted orally, others were received in writing. The questionnaire is divided into three question areas: SDG’s and me, general questions to SDG and a part of reflection.

Maps were supplemented according to the given topic of interest of the expert.

Concept and Design

The graphic expression supports storytelling, improves the manifestation and clarification of our mental images and even enables the embedding of detailed facts.

The increasing number of data sources in various disciplines challenges the methods of modern map production.

On the one hand, comprehensive insights into the topics should be provided, on the other hand, the viewer often lacks the time to read and understand a complex map in detail. 

Primary School - Integration Project

Class 3a dealt with the topic of global learning throughout the 2018/19 school year.
- SDG Action Day
- What is fair trade and how can I personally ensure more justice?
- Children's rights – getting to know the life situations of children in other countries
- „Fairtrade School“
- Workshop of the association Südwind
- Workshop of the association "Jugend Eine Welt" on the subject of street children

Production, Prepress, Translation, Editing

This book has been produced with open source software tools throughout, from image editing, word processing, map making, typesetting and prepress.

The tools are developed in communities of small businesses or freelance programmers who are driven by the real needs of the use case.

The free access to these tools enables everyone to learn the embedded methods and their application.

On.demand.print of the Atlas

Print on demand (POD) is a digital printing technology in which a book or other publication is printed on an as needed basis.
The POD model flies in the face of traditional printing, where large quantities of books are produced in initial print runs to reduce costs prior to distribution, but call for storage and fast distribution costs.

Open Access e-Book version 
DOI (ebook): 10.5281/zenodo.5602021

“Ours can be the first generation to end poverty – and the last generation to address climate change before it is too late.”

former UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon

The production of atlas maps for 
generation views on SDG


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Map Warming Up - climate change

Wir sollen auf unsere Erde aufpassen und sie nicht ausbeuten. Wir mögen alle eine gute Luft zum Atmen. Ich liebe es im Sommer Schwimmen zu gehen und im Winter Ski zu fahren. Mit dem Klimawandel gibt es vielleicht keinen Schnee mehr auf den Bergen.
Das müssen wir verhindern.

We should take care of our earth and not exploit it. We all like a good air to breathe. I love swimming in the summer and skiing in the winter. With climate change, there may not be snow on the mountains.
We have to prevent that.

Kamil (9)
zum Klimawandel 
to climate change

Take action and contact us to
fill the questionnaire!

We plan to expand the atlas and produce another edition. Therefore we like to collect more views on SDGs. Provide your view, tell us your story, describe your actions and outline your personal environment that enables your activities.

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